2nd Annual National Research Conference
What a day! It seems like there is no issue left on the earth. From the nutrition in mother’s womb to the street foods, trainings in TVET to multiculturalism issues in higher education also leadership topics, then going to the community and effects of Geda system for peace and security, then to the economic and

Open Seminar
Good News for All interested! Department of Computer Sciences have organized the first Open Seminar with the facilitation of Research and Community Services! Congra all! Seminar one started! Accounting department Continues! Shouldn’t miss! Office of the President, EAC!

2014 E.C Registration is going on
አስደሳች ዜና ለትምህርት ፈላጊዎች በሙሉ ጥራት ያለውና ደረጃውን የጠበቀ ትምህርት ለህብረተሰቡ ለማድረስ እየተጋ የሚገኝ እና በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ዝናን ያተረፈው ኢስት አፍሪካ ኮሌጅ ከኤፌድሪ የትምህርትና ስልጠና ባለስልጣን ፣ከኦሮሚያ ቴ/ሙ/ት/ሥ/ተቋም እና ከኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ እውቅና ባገኘባቸው የትምህርት ዘርፎች ለ2014 ዓ.ም ተማሪዎችን በመመዝገብ ላይ ይገኛል፡፡ በኮሌጃችን የሚሰጡ የትምህርት ዘርፎች 1. በሁለተኛ ድግሪ ቢዝነስ አድሚኒስትሬሽን (MBA) በሎጀስቲክስ እና
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